Job Description
I am looking for a home care provider to assist with a morning call of approximately 1.5 hours, seven days a week. This support is for myself and includes assistance with getting up, showering, dressing, and administering Peristeen Plus for bowel care each morning. Free training for this is available, and the local District Nurse (DN) team can provide additional support and guidance. I am 58 years old and sustained a spinal cord injury at T4 (mid-chest) 10 years ago, resulting in paraplegia. Despite this, I am generally very independent and capable. I have a ceiling track hoist and a profiling bed, requiring one carer to help transfer me into my shower chair and power chair. Unfortunately, the care company that has provided support, including help with the Peristeen system, for the last eight years has recently withdrawn their services. I am currently joint-funded by social care and health via direct payments, which I manage myself. I am seeking a reliable, fully funded grant-supported care professional to begin services within the next month.
Client’s Details (Name, Phone Number, and Email)